In business, there are always going to be decisions to make – whether they’re small or big. At times, the decisions that you make will seem obvious and easy, but carefully thinking through your options is a necessity for growth and survival.

I get that it can be stressful making decisions in your business and life. When it comes to making decisions, I find that there’s generally two groups; one group who jumps straight in before really thinking it through, and the second group who spends way too long deliberating and doesn’t end up making a decision because they’re so anxious about wanting to make the perfect decision!

Want to know the difference between these two groups and a successful business owner? 

The successful business owner knows it’s the middle ground between these two groups that’s going to put their business (and themselves) in the best position possible to have the success they truly desire. 

They know that:

  • there is no perfect decision (unless you have a crystal ball!) so they don’t put that pressure on themselves to make the perfect decision. The right decision is the decision you make based on a combination of using your intuition, analysing the information you have available to you at the time, asking the right questions, and taking into account your own wellbeing
  • you have to fully back your decision and YOU! Decide that the decision you’ve made is the right decision. There is no time for second guessing your decision and doubting yourself. That’s only going to keep you stuck and stop you from moving forward. These business owners have certainty in their decision and they do so because they have an inner trust and confidence that no matter what happens they’ll always be able to figure it out (or find someone else who can)
  • you have to take immediate action. Once you’ve made the decision, start taking action that is consistent with that decision. It’s the only way that you’ll know if you’ve made the right decision or if you need to adjust accordingly

When it comes to making a decision, run your decision through the following 3 Key Areas to make sure that it’s is not only aligned with your vision and purpose, but that the business is in a position financially (as well as has the resources) to support that decision, and that you personally have the capacity from a wellbeing perspective to take on this decision.


When making decisions you want to refer to your vision, goals and strategy. Will this decision move your business closer or further away? Is this decision aligned with the best interest of the business and does it feel right to you? 

Remember that you get to choose how and what your business and life looks like. So it’s important that when you’re making decisions you give yourself the time and space to connect with your inner wisdom. 

It’s the subtle voice that leads you to where you truly want to go and not your ego that’s trying to speak over it and is only wanting you to play it safe and stay in your comfort zone. 

Listening to – and then choosing to follow – your inner wisdom isn’t always the easy decision to make because it’s usually different to what everyone else is doing. 

But it’s where the magic is.

It’s from this place that you’ll bring greater wisdom to your decision making. Where you make strategic decisions that not only gives you the business you love (whilst growing your profit) and allows you to show up in a way that is aligned with your best self but also helps you live a happier life.


If the decision is aligned with your vision then you need to find out if the business is in a position to support this decision. 

Start by understanding what the estimated costs will be required for this decision so you’re clear on the funds you’ll need. As well as, the expected revenue this decision will bring in (sometimes this will be directly or it may bring in revenue indirectly). 

Then review your cash flow forecast so you’re also clear on what expenses/investments you have coming up and if you’ll have sufficient funds to allocate towards this decision. 

Remember in business cash is king, so you want to make sure that you’ll still have the funds required to cover your day to day expenses. 

If cash flow is going to be tight, then take a look at what expenses you can reduce, what other projects you can delay or ways that you can generate increased revenue in other areas. 

In addition to understanding what impact the decision will have on your bottom line, you also want to consider the impact the decision will have on your employees and customers. 

Getting clear on the resources that you will need if you were to go ahead with the decision as well as ensuring you’ve considered the decision from a risk management perspective. 


Asking yourself how much time and energy is going to be required from yourself for this decision. Depending on the decision there may be a period of time where you’re required to be working more than you usually do. 

So check in with yourself to make sure that you’re willing to do this and most importantly, that you have the capacity to do so. 

If you’re already exhausted and this decision is going to see you working longer hours then you need to consider whether the timing is right. 

Otherwise, look at areas in both your personal life and business that you can outsource and find ways that you can protect your time and energy during this period.

Remember you are your business’s most important asset so you need to be looking after yourself so you can be performing at your best. 

So be realistic of how much time you think you’ll be spending on this new decision and make sure that you will still have time and space to look after yourself. 

Finding time to just ‘be’ with yourself, to spend time with your friends and family and to do what you love and that fills you up is just as important, if not more important than ‘doing’ mode. 

If you decide to go ahead, get clear on what your non negotiables are each week that will ensure you’re still looking after yourself and operating as your best self. 

Running your decision through these 3 key areas allows you to make an informed decision quickly. 

So once you’ve taken into account the above it’s important that you then decide with total confidence that the decision you have made is right for you and your business. 

There’s no time for second guessing yourself. Only time to start taking action! Remember no decision is ever going to be perfect so it’s likely you’re going to have to make some adjustments along the way. 

But knowing the business is in a position financially to allow for these adjustments and you having trust and confidence within yourself that you’ll figure it out along the way, you put both yourself and your business in the best position to make this decision a success.

Even if that means it looks a little different to how you originally pictured it…which is often usually so much better than you could’ve ever imagined!

Happy decision making!

P.s if you’re looking for 1:1 support in you business and life and want to start the new financial year on the right foot then check out my 1:1 Business and Wealth Coaching Program

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