How To Make 2024 Your Most Successful Year Yet

How To Make 2024 Your Most Successful Year Yet

Are you serious about achieving real success in your business and life?

Success isn’t all about luck. It’s about focus, determination, optimism and hard work. The start of a new year brings a clean slate. A time to sit down and look at what happened last year – to learn from the wins and losses. To work out what it is that you want and the goals you want to set for this year. Then working out what strategy you need to put in place to achieve them.

Once you have your strategy in place it’s all about taking action because without action, your vision is merely a dream. The key to all success is taking persistent, massive action. Every high achiever knows this truth.

Once you get started it is easier to stay in motion, however, it’s getting started that is the hardest part. Success is not a necessity it’s a choice. So if it’s your choice to be successful in life and business – whatever that success may look to you – then you need to get out of your own way and start taking the action you need to move forward.

Below are 5 tips you can use to set yourself up with the solid foundation for real success in your business and life and help make 2024 your most successful year yet:

1. Master Your Mornings

Create a morning routine that allows you to fill yourself up first and get you in the right space and mindset for the day ahead. When you take the time (this will differ based on your own circumstances but even taking just 15 minutes will be beneficial) to work on your overall wellbeing you’ll start your day feeling, calm, focussed, happy, inspired and energised.

This may include meditation, exercise, visualisation and making sure you fuel your body with a healthy breakfast to get you started for the day. Nourishing yourself on all levels is critical to your overall wellbeing. It will allow you to perform at your ultimate best in your business and live your life to its fullest potential. Starting your day off in any other way undermines your success – there is not doubt!

2. Get Laser Focus

In a fast paced and ever changing world you need to make sure that you get laser focus and concentrate on the tasks that are going to help you achieve the goals you’ve set for the current 90 Day period.

Focus is an important part of productivity and finding a way to create structure in your business and life can lead you to do more work in less time by working smarter not harder.

It’s easy to get distracted by all the ideas that are out there but those that are successful know that they need to stay focussed on the task at hand and get it done.

Theming your days will also help you stay focused by knowing what your area of focus is for that day. So when interruptions happen or if you have general daily tasks you need to deal with, you can then quickly refocus and get back on track with the tasks that will help move you closer to achieving your goals and taking your business to the next level.

On each particular day, you will know what your focus is, saving you time by avoiding context switching and jumping between various unrelated tasks.

3. Block Out Time For Your Daily Growth Activities

Each day set aside time to deal with putting fires out as well as time to work on the important actions. This is what is going to get your business to the next level.

If you know the time of day that you’re the most productive then block out 1-3 hours (however long you have available) each day and allocate that time to working on your 3 Daily Growth Activities (DGA). DGA’s are the most valuable activities to you and your business and the activities that you want to be spending majority of your time working on.

DGA’s are non-negotiable and need to be done each day if you want to grow your business and move it closer to achieving its goals. By blocking out time in your day there will be no distractions and you’ll be able to get into a state of flow.

These activities tend to be about the planning or orchestrating of something – the income generating activities or the ‘getting the market’s attention’ activities. The key is to make sure you complete one DGA before moving onto the next DGA.

Also allocate 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon to dealing with putting out fires and make sure you only deal with those matters during those two times.

4. Do A Weekly Review

Make sure that you’re regularly reviewing where you’re at personally and in your business. At the same time you’re planning your week ahead, spend a few minutes reviewing the week that was. In your business – what worked and what didn’t?

Did you do all the tasks you set out to do? If not, why? Were there obstacles in the way? Did you underestimate how long some tasks would take? How are sales? Do you need to change your marketing up? Are your numbers where they need to be?

Personally, how did you feel this week? Did you get enough sleep? Eat well and move your body daily? Did you make time to catch up with friends and family and importantly yourself?

Take the lessons and implement them as part of your strategy for the new week ahead. Doing a weekly review will make sure that you’re being proactive and changing things when needed. As opposed to saving this for the end of year when it’s all too late.

5. Have A Strong Sense Of Self

Your success as an entrepreneur is ultimately up to you in many cases. Believing in yourself is the number one necessity to maintain confidence and an unwavering sense of self.

By creating a deep inner knowing that you are a powerful and abundant being who is capable of creating whatever it is you desire you’ll be unstoppable. You do this by staying connected to what you believe, how you feel, your values, morals and integrity.

Understand who you are – knowing your strengths, weaknesses, skills and abilities is going to achieve a masterly level of leadership effectiveness. When you acknowledge what you have yet to learn, you’re modeling to your team it’s okay to admit you don’t have all the answers, to make mistakes and most importantly, to ask for help.

These are characteristics of a team that is constantly learning and encourages innovation and agility which are two pillars of high performing businesses.

3 Actions To Help You Make 2022 Your Most Successful Year Yet

  1. For the next 90 days experiment with different things to do as part of your morning routine until you find what works best for you.
  2. When planning your week, make sure you review the week that was so you can make any necessary changes to the following week. Also write down your themes for each day and block out time to focus on your 3 Daily Growth Activities. Check out my free guide for more details on how to do this!
  3. Make time each week to work on YOU. Take out your journal and start writing down your strengths, weaknesses and values and really get to understand and know who you are.

Once you’ve had a chance to complete the Action Steps, come over to the comments section and let me know:

Of the 5 tips above which ones are you going to start implementing into your day so you can make 2024 your most successful yet?

Leave a comment and let me know how you go!

P.S. Looking for 1:1 Support so you can get ready for an amazing 2024? New mentoring opportunities available now, click here for details. Or if you would prefer to have a chat, you can book in for a 30 minute complimentary call here

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